Thursday, June 18, 2009

Funny Ha Ha...

As Bonnaroo brand traditions go, there aren't many that have as storied a past and strong association as The Comedy Central Comedy Tent.

This year, Butterfinger took over the comedy tent hosting duties, and did a pretty kick ass job, in my opinion.

One of my few criticisms would be the lack of directional signage outside of the tent. Hundreds of people waited in the wrong line outside of the Sweet Humor tent. Some were there for the multi showings of Triumph the comic insult dog, others were there to get tickets to see Jimmy Fallon later in the day.

The Fallon show sold out (tickets were free, just had to pick them up) quickly and Triumph had a steady and excited audience all weekend long.

The buzz about the Sweet Humor tent was audible all over the Roo, from people talking about the ice cream with Butterfinger topping, the Fallon show selling out (which often spawned another conversation about whether or not Jimmy Fallon was physically painful to watch), John Oliver from the Daily Show (pictured above), and Triumph raging on other brand sponsors in funny and relevant ways- even taking a stab at his host, Butterfinger.

I talked about how well Stanley had multiple points of contact, but as I've gone through my pics, I realized that Butterfinger had a good variety of touch points as well.

One of the most dangerous byproducts of giving out free samples, is the possible wrapper explosion that could litter the entire grounds all weekend long. A cool effort to capture some of the Butterfinger trash before it made its way out of the Sweet Humor Comedy Tent.

Triumph shot some live action stuff around the festival grounds- he got lots of attention wherever he went.

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