Sunday, June 21, 2009

Scratch DJ Academy - State Farm

I've been uninspired by the State Farm hosting of the Scratch DJ academy since we began talking about it 4 weeks ago.

A trip into the Dj academy helped validate my feelings...quickly.

Their space did provide some good head cover, a few couches, a few laptops, and some swag in the form of bandannas, cell phone holders? and chap stick.
The Academy taught people how to scratch. Their skill levels ranged from appalling to inspiring (everyone was learning, so no judging from me...on this point at least).Even Triumph the insult comic dog took a scratch. If you had a chance to see the Conan Triumph clip, you may have noticed that Triumph didn't even call this the State Farm DJ Academy. He called it the DJ academy. I don't think it was intentional (although he gave xbox mad love in their space), but I think it speaks to how loosely linked, or dare I say completely unrelated State Farm's sponsorship of a music academy booth was.

A few weeks before Broo, I talked about islands of control (your car, your tent, your cell phone) and the opportunities that State Farm had to really help us out, esp. with the car bit.

I saw dozens of people in need of gas, with dead batteries looking for a jump, with locked keys in their car- who could have all used a hero like State Farm. But they weren't there. Instead, these dudes were.

I'd say total waste of marketing dollars on State Farm's part, but I don't know how much they spent on it, and they did seed the crowd with hundreds (thousands?) of bandannas and bags- which were quickly co-opted by deft consumers to reflect no branding whatsoever.

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