Saturday, June 6, 2009

No laughing matter...

I touched on the black market and it's parallel to the (seemingly oblivious) legal market last week. These two entities operate concurrently- after all, they are both pulling from the same ever-shrinking wad of cash in your pockets.

Many festivals have never been extremely critical of marijuana use. It's widespread, (generally)victimless, and doesn't incite violence.

Pot aside, there are a few things that festival authorities work diligently to rid the scene of- and nitrous is one of the hardest to eradicate.

"Nitrous Oxide is known as "laughing gas" due to the euphoric effects of inhaling it, a property that has led to its recreational use as an inhalant drug."

Sold by people who have acquired tanks of the clear, odorless gas any way they could- balloons, and their popped scraps are the tell tale sign of this black market staple.

The tanks range in size from a fire extinguisher to 5 foot tall, industrial cylinders. The larger the tank, the louder the hiss of the gas being pumped into the balloons, which are sold for $5 a piece to an often waiting and eager audience.

Nitrous is called "Hippy Crack" because of it's short high and lingering desire to do it again.

Unfortunately, the hiss and pop of overinflated balloons is common to the soundtrack of the night time camping area of most festivals.

$5 bucks a ballon? This dude just spent $15! If both legal and illegal brands are pulling cash from the same pocket, shouldn't you be aware of what your competition is doing?

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