Saturday, June 6, 2009


We're working to spread the @brandaroo twitter feed to as many people as possible, so if you aren't following us and would like to, do it up.

We're asking people at the Roo to tweet photos of good or bad branding, missed opportunities, and anything they think relates to culture x commerce. Please tag tweeted photos with #Brandaroo - we're working to have a pool of photos for reference.

One of the brands we met on twitter is @modcloth. started as a personal passion for it's founder and grew into a burgeoning business. According to their website, Creative Officer Susan Koger "searches the world for small designers and unique pieces that fit her customers’ discriminating tastes." They sell clothes, accessories, home decor, and some one of a kind stuff.

The reason we're talking about @modcloth is because they let us know about a contest they're promoting and running at Bonnaroo.

It's called ModCloth's Hide and Chic Contest. They're hiding totes full of Modcloth stuff all over the country, and they'll have someone hiding totes at the Roo as well.

Maggie at Modcloth sent us this info...

"Our graphic designer, Mara, will be hiding three totes stuffed with ModCloth goodies on Thurs, Friday and Sat of the festival. She will be tweeting clues and pics from our Twitter account @modcloth. We will be posting a blog and sending a newsletter to our customers about the contest on Weds, June 10. We will also be tweeting about the contest to promote it."

Pretty cool use of technology and a neat reason for fans of modcloth who will be at the Roo to follow their tweets during the show. We'd love to hear how it goes Modcloth!

If your brand is doing something cool at the Roo- reach out, we'd love to share with our ever growing audience of brand nerds!

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