Monday, June 1, 2009

elephant in the room (the black market)

Music. Camping. Drinking. Porta Potties. Drugs.

The festival scene is synonymous with flamboyant marijuana use. We know it's still illegal, but there could be some really cool opportunities to connect with a very specific group of people at festivals.

Some brands have embraced the festival crowd with all of it's foibles and follies. I'd like to congratulate the guys from - a distributor of detoxifying products- for acknowledging the hazy consumer truth that applies to many of the festival attendees. They ran well placed ads in the Bonnaroo Program for the last several years.

We'll be documenting all the brand interaction we see live from Manchester, Tn and we're curious to see if a changing tide in public opinion around marijuana laws and a very niche audience bring out any smart communication by brands.

1 comment:

  1. I think "hazy consumer truth" sums up this problem completely.

    We live in a society where drunken hooliganism is not only condoned, but is often lauded as entertainment. With more and more people expressing a desire for an end to the archaic double-standard towards recreational use of mind-altering substances, change could be right around the corner.

    I stand and applaud the brave companies and individuals who continually push for personal freedoms. Their efforts are definitely appreciated.
